Watch this short video to learn more about the course!

How my students are feeling happier, healing pain and raising their energy vibrations through one simple mind shift

Right now you are getting better or you are getting worse...

That’s because nothing stands still. Things are constantly changing. 

Here’s the problem…

If you don’t have a definite plan on how to get better the opposite tends to happen.

You get worse.

It just happens so slowly that you don’t notice until it’s too late.

There’s a reason that you are here reading this right now.

I’m guessing at least one of these describes you…

·        You have physical pain or illness that is a constant source of struggle

·        You have emotional wounds that are still unresolved

·        You feel like your life is stagnant or lacking joy and fulfillment

·        You have put your spiritual development on hold

·        You feel alone in your quest for personal growth

·        You are struggling with depression or anxiety

·        Or you are want to develop your natural healing abilities

If any of those sound familiar you are not alone.

Like many others you may have been carrying around your concerns for years. 

You feel them like a weight around your shoulders. You take them with you everywhere you go.

Even worse you feel them internally.   

That’s because unresolved problems create energy blockages

Those blockages lead to pain, depression, loss of energy, lack of motivation. Even illness

Worse yet your current problems are creating new problems. 

You start to become more and more unbalanced. 

When things move too far in the wrong direction it can feel like change is impossible.  

It can feel like your obstacles are too big to overcome. 

The first thing that needs to change is how you are thinking!

energy healing blockages

Most people don’t realize this but…

Your thoughts control everything about you.  

Your energy, the way you feel, how you view the world, your happiness…

Thoughts impact EVERY area of your life.

If you aren’t in control of your thoughts your thoughts will control you.

  • Your thoughts can poison your relationships
  • Your thoughts can poison your health
  • Your thoughts can lower your energy levels
  • Your thoughts can decrease your drive and ambition 

This is what I call the “destructive thought cycle”.

With nothing to break your “destructive thought cycle” nothing ever changes.

You never find any more time to relax, slow down or do any of the other things that bring real joy to your life.

And the crucial things, such as taking time for healing and growth, never get done at all.  

You tell yourself every week that this is the week you will invest more time in your health and energy...

But how long have you been telling yourself that same story?    

In the back of your mind you know that you are meant to do more, be more, live life more joyfully...

happiness meditation

But nothing ever changes

Sure, you’ve had glimpses so you know change is possible.

You’ve seen small temporary improvements after reading a book or taking a course.

But you can't seem to maintain your mental, physical and spiritual growth week after week.   

How long are you willing to put up with a life that you are not living to the absolute fullest? 

What will your life look like ten years from now if you haven’t made any changes? 

How many areas of your life are being impacted by not reaching your potential?

When my students examine their life goals they quickly realize something important.  

Not achieving your goals has a negative impact on most major areas of your life!

Health, careers, happiness, relationships, spirituality, personal time.  

All areas of your life suffer when your most important goals aren’t met.

Every single day you are either getting better…

or you are getting worse.

This program will ensure you keep getting BETTER every single day. Every single week. Every single year.  

What if you could be in control of how you felt each and every day?

The good news is that you can!  

Changing your thoughts can transform your entire life.  

To start the transformation you only need to begin with a single thought.  

I think of it as a spark. 

That spark is your desire or intention to get better. To grow and improve every single day.  

Through this mentoring program you will learn to grow that single spark into a brilliant flame.

Jeff Simonton energy healing mind healing

Meet Jeff

Medical Qigong Therapist & Holistic Health Coach

Jeff Simonton trained directly under Master Binhui He, who is recognized as one of the world's top healers.

Jeff has taught at many esteemed locations such as UNC Medical Center, UNC Wellness Centers, Duke Teer House, Rex Cancer Center and Meredith College. He has also successfully launched multiple online training programs all related to health and wellness.

After experiencing a series of traumatic events in his mid twenties Jeff went into a deep state of depression. He found himself stuck in an endless cycle of emotional and physical pain. Fortunately he took a chance on attending a 9 day healing intensive with Master He.

That intensive changed his life forever, and to this day Jeff credits those 9 days with saving his life.

Since then it has been his driving passion to teach people effective strategies for healing their minds and bodies.

Jeff created The Art of Healing Naturally so anyone can have access to weekly training capable of healing at the deepest level.

9 Ways Your Life Will be Transformed Through The Art of Healing Naturally

The benefits you can obtain from this program are limitless. Limitations are simply boundaries set by your own mind. If you are ready to expand your limits here are some of the changes you can expect to experience.

Reduce Your Stress & Anxiety

Through specific mind-body exercises and mindset training you will learn how to let go of worry and reduce anxiety.

Heal Physical & Emotional Pain

The Art of Healing Naturally will provide you with deep healing energy exercises to help find and release physical and emotional pain.

Experience More Joy

You'll learn how to slowly reduce any negative thought patterns, and build a mindset that embraces being joyful.

Boost Your Immune System

Discover the most effective self-healing practices to naturally boost your immune and self-recovery systems.

Increase Your Energy

Boost your energy levels through the secret practices of some of the world's top Masters and achievers.

Elevate Your Healing Abilities

You'll learn sacred energy practices that will increase your ability to heal yourself as well as heal others.

Improve Relationships

Energy and mindset impact all relationships. This program will teach you how to build harmonious relationships.

Stay Calm Under Pressure

You'll train your mind and body to stay calm even during times where you are under stress or experiencing difficulties.

Connect with Your Purpose

You'll discover how to break through your distracting thoughts so you can connect with your purpose and live a meaningful life.


Thank you again, your work is like none other...

Hi Jeff,

I have been religious every morning about the magnification meditation since you have sent it, and it has done wonders. I was having all kinds of trouble with my back and other issues and I’m happy to say that I can feel the strength returning and the pain is gone. I cannot thank you enough for bringing this practice into my life.

Its funny that I can remember distinctly when you first told our group that we would be doing a “Standing” meditation. I can remember saying to myself, “this will NEVER work for me”. Well, I am so happy to be disappointed in that memory!!

Thank you again, your work is like none other.

God bless you,


"I am fully confident that their life will improve physically and emotionally."

I first met Jeff in 2016 after finding out my brother was terminally ill. I was seeking self-help in a natural alternative setting that was different than the traditional western medicine approach.  

Jeff came to my home and introduced me to medical qigong . Jeff was kind, down to earth, and worked with me within my budget. His gentle demeanor comforted me during a very stressful and sad time. 

What Jeff taught me served as a comfort and protection that got me through a very dark period in my life. The meditations I learned helped me emotionally and physically. They in turn helped my husband because he would listen to what I was doing.  

What I learned from Jeff in person, and on his website, I continue to use to this day for anything that is ailing me physically or mentally. 

I joined his Wellness Coaching program and his Healing Life Naturally Program and find comfort that the lessons are available to me anytime I need them. What further impresses me about Jeff and his work, is that he was taught by a world famous healer and medical qigong master. Knowing this, brings me confidence that I am in good hands and can rely on his instruction to be accurate and bring improvements to the highest benefit.

Jeff shares his wonderful gift of healing with no hype or pushy tactics. I believe his practice has grown because he truly believes in his work and wants to help others improve their life as his life was improved. I would encourage anyone that respects an alternative approach to healing, to join his coaching programs. I am fully confident that their life will improve physically and emotionally.

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Announcing a mentoring program for those aspiring to raise their physical, emotional & spiritual state of being

The Art of Healing is a weekly mentoring program that guides you through developing your natural healing abilities.

This is not a program where you learn a skill for 30 days and then forget about it. This training is designed to provide a clear and steady path for cultivating your mind, body & soul.

Each week you will gain access to a new short video lesson (5-15 mins). Every lesson will provide a practical exercise or insight you can implement right away to create a positive change in your life.

The goal is to provide guidance so that the change comes from within you. This is the most powerful form of healing!

If you can dedicate just 10-15 minutes each day to practicing what you have learned you will grow dramatically.

As you progress through your weekly training you will notice you are worrying less, feeling more optimistic, experiencing less stress and feeling more confident in your ability to heal any physical or emotional concerns.

An Overview of The Art of Healing Naturally

(Watch on any device!)

The Art of Healing Naturally will help you transform your health and well-being through the power of the 3 M’s.

The 3 M’s and How They Will Transform Your Health

I have found through my 15+ years of teaching experience that the 3 M's are the most powerful way to address any problem. That's why my lessons are based around these principles.

Read below to learn more about them.

01. Mindset

This is the one you have to get right. That’s why the very first lesson you will learn is on mindset. The mindset lessons will teach you how to use the power of your own mind to create positive change in all areas of your life. 

02. Movement

The movement lessons will teach you simple energy exercises to boost your immune system. The movements heal both mind and body. You’ll learn how energy exercises can feature external movements or be completely internal.

03. Meditation

You will study engaging practices from a variety of healing arts. They will guide you through healing emotional wounds and can help treat chronic conditions. You will create a deep connection between your spirit and Universal Energy.

Take a peak below at what is covered during the Level One training in

The Art of the Healing Naturally.

Course Curriculum

  Introduction to the Program
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days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
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days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Advancement Quiz
Available in days
days after you enroll
After successfully completing Level One you'll be eligible for the Level Two training. You'll earn a new rank and printable certificate with each level you complete in the program!

What to Expect When You Join

#1 - Check Your Email

You will receive an automated email after you enroll. Make sure to add "[email protected]" to your trusted contacts so you don't miss any important emails!

#2 - Access the Training

As soon as you check out you will gain instant access to the training content. Each week a new 5-15 min. video training lesson will become available for you.

#3 - Open Your Mind

Approach this program with an open mind. Work on your mindset right from the start and build a burning desire for change. This will help ensure your success in the program!

Join the Weekly Coaching Program Today!

I believe so strongly in this program I that it would be an enormous opportunity lost if you decided not to give it a try.

From personal experience I know that the knowledge from this program can transform your life.

I don't want anything to hold you back which is why I have priced it a level anyone can afford. Working with a coach for an entire year would normally cost thousands of dollars.

However this program is priced at only $43 per month or $397 per year.

Better yet, I am running a 33% discount at the moment.

If you join me today you can take advantage and lock in the discounted rate of only $33 per month or $297 per year.

Simply choose whichever option works best for you.

If you choose the yearly pricing option I am offering a special bonus...

A 15 minute guided healing phone session with me!

During the 15 minute session I will guide you through a sacred and rare Taoist healing meditation.

I am currently only offering this to my yearly students, and there is no other way to schedule a guided healing session with me.

Here's what you'll get when you enroll:

  • Instant access to the week one training content
  • Private member only Facebook Group
  • Coaching guidance every month
  • A new short video lesson every week
  • Direct instruction in effective natural healing techniques
  • Ability to post questions for the instructor
  • Training path that will develop you from beginner to expert natural healer
  • Member only special live training sessions
  • An unconditional 30 day money back guarantee

Enjoy over $500 of Bonus Content for Free!

Additional Training Courses

As a special bonus you will receive free access to additional training programs for free as they are added to the membership area.

Natural Healing Guide

You will have free access to my upcoming Natural Healing Guide. This resource will provide immensely beneficial information on diet, nutrition, and holistic treatments to treat specific conditions.

*Private Healing Session

This bonus is only for students who purchase a yearly membership. If you choose a yearly subscription you can schedule a free 15 minute guided healing session with me. ($50 value)

Still on the fence?

With my no questions asked money back guarantee you can try out the program completely risk free for 30 days.

I'm certain you'll love it, but if for any reason you don't canceling and getting a refund is simple and painless.

My goal is to have no customer leave unhappy!

Select a pricing plan and sign up


Is the current price really reduced?

Yes, the current price is the lowest price I will ever offer on this program. The next price increase will be set at $397 per year and $43 per month. When you join today your price will be locked in and WILL NOT increase for as long as you remain a member.

Is this program for you?

This program is for you if you have a desire to grow as a person and if you believe it is possible to heal naturally.   

If you have an interest in healing arts such as Qigong, Reiki, meditation, mindfulness, chakra healing, lightwork, energy healing, crystal healing, etc., then you will definitely enjoy this program.

This program is for you if you would like to learn effective self-healing methods to help treat any chronic physical or emotional concern.  

If you would like help with healing emotional wounds this program can help. It can serve as part of a well-rounded approach to holistically treating depression and anxiety.  

Select a pricing plan and sign up